
I go by many names but mainly as Leeroh Zenon, Zenon Revolution, or some variation of that. I have an interest in interactive media, martial arts, tabletop games, databases, photography writing, worldbuilding, and more. Still, I hope my myriad projects entertain you at least a little bit. I've chosen to build my own website from scratch like this because I'm a computer science major and my pride prevents me from going on social media or using somebody else's website generator.


I am but one new artist in a an infinite sea of others, but I hope, at the very least, that you feel anything at all about my work. I began working with the camera on a Samsung Galaxy S9, but quickly became frustrated with its limitations. I have since upgraded to a Canon EOS Rebel T7, which has opened up a vast world of possibilities. Still, no amount of equipment can replace the training of the eye, and I continue still to hone my photographer's eye.

The Visualize! project was, of course, inspired by the works of Walter Wick. I hope to use the tarot as a source of inspiration to produce game pictures. The scale of that project itself has already expanded quite a bit, as I now plan to do full-size game photos of the minor arcana as well. By far, the biggest challenge has been using enough props to make a satisfying photo to fully explore for the objects therein, with the limited space I have availible to me.

I take my nature photography primarily as an exercise to hone my eye, in anticipation of working on future Visualize! pictures.

The Process

The photo above shows my process. I have the camera set up on a tripod, aimed down at the scene. The camera itself is connected to my laptop with a USB cord to get a remote view, so I don't have to crane my neck and stare at the miniscule camera screen to see the photo. Additionally, a remote release is connected so I can take the shot without causing micro-stutters by touching the camera. The two lights on the table are usually held by myself and an assistant to change the lighting conditions. Additionally, the lights can have different lenses slotted in to change the tone of the light between warm, cool, and neutral.