As you put in the passcode, the vault blasts open, blinding white light shining out of its rectangular frame. Abruptly, you feel yourself getting sucked into the light!(set: $beenhere to false)(set: $hasfloaty to false)(set: $beenlake to false) (set: $tries to 0)
[[What!?->The Shore]]<img class="resize" src="visworldpics/thewater.jpg">
(if: $beenhere is false)[After falling for a brief time, the blinding light clears... and you stand on a vast beach, the water stretching out into the horizon. As you look to the side, the world fades out, as if it were the edges of a frame. You have entered the Visualize World.(set: $beenhere to true)](else:)[You've returned to the beach, where you first entered the Visualize World. The sun is shining from out of frame.]
(if: $hasfloaty is false)[The water is frigid, so you cannot reach that edge of the frame.](else:)[[Jet across the water->Blue Space]]
[[Go East->The Chariot]]
[[Go South->The Magician]]<img class="resize" src="visworldpics/bluespace.jpg">
You appear to have stumbled upon a visualize that has never appeared before, a prototype of an idea that never fully came to light. In the blue haze, the scene is serene and quiet, other than the bubbling of the fountain.
[[Onward->The Safe]]
[[More about the prototype->About the Prototype]]
[[Go Back->The Shore]] <img class="resize" src="visworldpics/lowlake.jpg">
You've arrived at the low lake. (if: $beenlake is false)[You're starting to get an idea of how the Visualize World works. Nature scenes connect to visualizes, and so on, iterating and recursing on each accessible edge of the frame. You think you might even be able to take objects from visualize frames. (set: $beenlake to true)]
(if: $hasfloaty is false)[The water is frigid, so you cannot reach that edge of the frame.](else:)[[Jet across the water->The Hierophant]]
[[Go West->The Magician]]
[[Go North->The Chariot]]<img class="resize" src="visworldpics/chariot.jpg">
Before you is The Chariot. Despite the stillness of the image, the sounds of vehicles are loud and clear, like the world's strangest traffic jam.
(if: $beenlake)[(if: $hasfloaty is false)[[[Take the jet ski->JetSki]]](if: $hasfloaty is true)[You have borrowed the jet ski and can now cross water.]]
[[Go North->The Water]]
[[Go East->The Sky Ablaze]]
[[Go South->LowLake]]
[[Go West->The Shore]] <img class="resize" src="visworldpics/magician.jpg">
The familiar scene of the The Magician comes into view.(if: $cardknowledge is true)[On the floor, you see a snippet of paper that says the following: "Hierophant, High Priestess, Chariot, Strength, Fool."]
[[Go North->The Shore]]
[[Go East->LowLake]] <img class="resize" src="visworldpics/hierophant.jpg">
Before you is the Hierophant, in all of its vibrancy.
[[Go Back->LowLake]]<img class="resize" src="visworldpics/thewater.jpg">
The water is serene and beautiful, and the ocean is lovely. Otherwise, there's nothing else here.
(if: $hasfloaty is true)[[[Cross the water->The Empress]]]
[[Go Back->The Chariot]]<img class="resize" src="visworldpics/theskyablaze.jpg">
The sky sure is ablaze. On the ground, there's a scrap of paper that reads "Damn it! I forgot where I wrote down the combination to the safe! I think I dropped it next to the bookshelf..." (set: $cardknowledge to true)
(if: $hasfloaty is true)[[[Cross the water->The Empress]]]
[[Go Back->The Chariot]] You reach out and politely take the jet ski. Somehow, you know that this will allow you to cross water. (set: $hasfloaty to true)
[[Go Back->The Chariot]] You hear Zenon's voice echoing hazily in the serene scene.
"Originally, I was going to do the minor arcana as photo-collages with a group of smaller visualizes put together, in a similar spirit to the keyholes photo from Mystery. Alas, I wasn't that satisfied with the first small one I took, so I ended up scrapping that direction for the minor arcana. Still, I might try something like that in the future!"
[[Okay, thank you!->Blue Space]]You walk out of frame, into the space beyond. Lying in the void before you is a miniature safe with a five digit lock. There's a note that says the following: "I better write down the combination to the safe, so I don't forget it. I should keep the code secure, though, so I'll obscure the digits with some arcane equivalents."
<input type="text" data-varname="safeCombi">\
(if: $tries >= 3 and $tries < 6)[You think more about what arcane equivalents to numbers would be. You're certain you've seen them around here recently. ](if: $tries >= 6)[You realize the note must be talking about the numbers of tarot cards! Have you seen a sequence of those somewhere?]
[[Try That Combination!->SafeTry]]
[[Go Back->Blue Space]] <img class="resize" src="visworldpics/empress.jpg">
The home of The Empress is warm and cozy, but there's nothing here for you to find.
[[Go Back to The Sky Ablaze ->The Sky Ablaze]]
[[Go Back to The Water ->The Water]](if: $safeCombi is "52780")[The door to the safe blasts open, and another white light blazes out, practically blinding you as you feel yourself getting sucked into the safe, the light engulfing you.](else:)[The safe doesn't open. (set: $tries to it + 1)]
(if: $safeCombi is "52780")[[[AAAAAAH!->The Finale]]](else:)[[Go Back->The Safe]]You land in a familiar place. It seems that you're not in the visualize world anymore.
(link: "Look Around")[(goto-url: 'Puzzle_Finale.html')]