Fully Automated Luxury Diabolism was a one page tabletop miniatures game I made during One Page Rules's Game Jam #2, with my friend, Rowbotte. The theme was "synergy," so I started with a brainstorm session in the shower before meeting with Rowbotte to discuss premises. I thought that using some kind of mechanic based on Yu-Gi-Oh's xyz monsters, where the pieces used to create an xyz monster become "attached" as "xyz material" that can be "detached" later. I specifically thought the words "attach" and "detach" were compelling, and thought it would be cool to have some kind of game where you built big monsters out of smaller ones, which would play into the theme of synergy, such as having different components give different skills and create different monsters.
Then I got an image of using cultists to summon demons, and everything went horribly off the rails. I got an image in my mind of automatic robotic servitors automating rituals that would summon horrible, gross, grotesque demons, and just took off from there. Rowbotte, being a big fan of Doom, really liked the premise of summoning demons with robots, and the general heavy metal aesthetic, and we took off from there.
I am quite pleased with how it turned out, though we could have definitely playtested it more. In the end, we recieved 7th place overall, out of 21 submissions, and 2nd place for originality, which, for my first game jam ever, I am tremendously satisfied with. Check it on itch.io!